Block Wrinkles Through Diet and Skin Care

We all want smaller waistlines. If that isn't enough to curb your sweet tooth, consider the following facts about how sugar ravages your skin:

Experts now believe that eating sugar can make your skin dull and wrinkled, appropriately referred to as the AGE's process - a natural series of events where sugar attaches to proteins; forming harmful molecules called Advanced Glycation End products. The process worsens as we eat more sugar, causing a cascade of events.

Collagen and Elastin are the targets of these harmful molecules and the process starts at age thirty five. Collagen is the most prevalent body protein; it's present in all of our cells. When collagen is damaged, it becomes dry and brittle - thus wrinkles and sagging skin.

Type III collagen is the most prevalent in our bodies. The Glycation process turns Type III collagen into Type I, and Type I collagen is more fragile.

It's never too late to build new collagen. Look for skin care products that contain Retinol (Vitamin A). In addition, follow these steps for younger looking skin.

Limit added sugar in your diet. Sugar is present even in fruits and
Vegetables. High fructose corn syrup is the worst. Your sugar calories should be no
more than 10% of your total for the day.

Look for hidden sugars in food. Prepared foods are the worse culprits. Try to eat freshly prepared food. Look for ingredients like barley malt, corn syrup, dextrose, fruit juice concentrate, maltose, maple syrup, molasses and turbinado to find these hidden culprits.

The average consumer eats about 31 tsps. of sugar daily - 465 calories. Ten percent of that is about 46 calories which should be your daily sugar intake maximum -one 12 oz can of Coke or about six Hershey kisses.

When reading food labels, find out how many grams of carbohydrates your food
contains. divide it by four (one tsp. of sugar equals 4Gms.) and you'll know
how many tsps. of sugar are in your food. Once you know what your calorie intake
should be it's easier to monitor.

Take B Vitamins - at least 1 mg. of B1 and B6 a day. They are potent AGE inhibitors according to a number of studies. You can get them from food, but taking a vitamin supplement will ensure that you're getting your "B's". If you're over age fifty you should take 1.5 mg.

Wear sunscreen every day.

Eat fruits, nuts and vegetables (cranberries, walnuts and red bell peppers to
name a few). These foods keep sugar from attaching to proteins, halting the
Glycation or AGE process.
