Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Sexual Minorities and More

Gays twice as likely to seek mental health treatment
According to the results of a new study, gays are twice as likely to seek mental health treatment, mostly from discrimination, violence, and stressful life events.
Susan Cochran, in conjunction with a team of researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles, examined data collected from 2074 people interviewed in the California Health Interview Survey to find that 48.5% of sexual minorities reported receiving treatment in the past year. Only 22.5% of heterosexuals were found to have engaged in mental health treatment. Keep reading

Protein therapy could eliminate open heart surgery
Researchers from Tel Aviv University have been experimenting to find a way to make cardiac bypass surgery a thing of the past. Dr. Britta Hardy of Tel Aviv University's Sackler School of Medicine had demonstrated how an injected protein might make blood vessels in the human heart regrow, eliminating the need for open heart surgery. Keep reading

Blue Cross Blue Shield hikes rates as health care costs rise
Affordable health insurance is becoming more distant. Blue Cross Blue Shield is hiking rates for their most popular health insurance plan, Medigap. Rates starting in October are going up 4.7 percent, and the impact will be felt by our senior citizens. Blue Cross currently insures 210,000 seniors in Michigan.Keep reading
