Drug ads could harm health and more

How drug ads can harm health
Results of a new study shows that drug ads are not doing a good job at helping consumers improve decisions about their health. The findings, released online in the American Journal of Public Health November 12, offers some guidelines to minimize the potential harm to health spawned by drug ads that leave out information or misguide consumers. Drug ad opponents say pharmaceutical companies need to improve consumer information by answering important questions and providing more useful information to the public. Read more

Tanda anti-aging light therapy treats acne and wrinkles at home
The FDA approved Tanda anti-aging light therapy device is an at home treatment of acne and wrinkles. Blue light therapy has been studied and used for treating acne in skin care clinics and spas. The device has been available for purchase at Sephora, and widely sold on the internet. The Tanda anti-aging system uses LED light that when used daily is believed to stimulate collagen production and reduce acne causing bacteria. Read more

Selenium supplements can lead to higher cholesterol levels
Selenium supplements have grown in popularity because of consumer perception that the mineral can prevent cancer and other disease. A new study found that selenium from supplements or food intake can lead to higher cholesterol levels. Read more
