Marijuana is the indoor air pollutant no one knew about until now Posted by Kathleen Blanchard, RN, CCM on May 17, 2017 indoor air pollution marijuana PLOS ONE San Diego State University study +
Why are these 2 skin cancers becoming more common in younger people? Posted by Kathleen Blanchard, RN, CCM on May 16, 2017 Mayo Clinic new finding Skin cancer skin cancer types on the rise +
IsoPSA blood test could replace PSA for prostate cancer and mean fewer biopsies Posted by Kathleen Blanchard, RN, CCM on May 15, 2017 cancer of the prostate IsoPSA test new blood test for prostate cancer prostate cancer blood test +
First study highlights short-term harm to children from pesticides: What you need to know Posted by Kathleen Blanchard, RN, CCM on May 11, 2017 journal of NeuroToxicology organic gardening pesticides harm to children study +